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The ChatHistory class is where all the conversation between the user and the LLM gets stored. A ChatHistory object will transparently be instanciated in the Brain every time you create one.

At each interaction with Brain.ask_streaming both your message and the LLM's response are added to this chat history. It's super handy because this history is used in the Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) process to give the LLM more context, working as form of memory between the user and the system and helping it generate better responses by looking at what’s already been said.

You can also get some cool info about the brain by printing its details with the print_info() method, which shows things like how many chats are stored, the current chat history, and more. This makes it easy to keep track of what’s going on in your conversations and manage the context being sent to the LLM!

ChatHistory #

ChatHistory is a class that maintains a record of chat conversations. Each message in the history is represented by an instance of the ChatMessage class, and the chat history is stored internally as a list of these ChatMessage objects. The class provides methods to retrieve, append, iterate, and manipulate the chat history, as well as utilities to convert the messages into specific formats and support deep copying.

__init__ #

__init__(chat_id, brain_id)

Init a new ChatHistory object.


Name Type Description Default
chat_id UUID

A unique identifier for the chat session.

brain_id UUID | None

An optional identifier for the brain associated with the chat.


append #

append(langchain_msg, metadata={})

Appends a new message to the chat history.


Name Type Description Default
langchain_msg AIMessage | HumanMessage

The message content (either an AI or Human message).

metadata dict[str, Any]

Additional metadata related to the message. Defaults to an empty dictionary.


get_chat_history #


Retrieves the chat history, optionally sorted in reverse chronological order.


Name Type Description Default
newest_first bool

If True, returns the messages in reverse order (newest first). Defaults to False.



Type Description

List[ChatMessage]: A sorted list of chat messages.

iter_pairs #


Iterates over the chat history in pairs, returning a HumanMessage followed by an AIMessage.


Type Description

Tuple[HumanMessage, AIMessage]: Pairs of human and AI messages.


Type Description

If the messages in the pair are not in the expected order (i.e., a HumanMessage followed by an AIMessage).

to_list #


Converts the chat history into a list of raw HumanMessage or AIMessage objects.


Type Description
List[HumanMessage | AIMessage]

list[HumanMessage | AIMessage]: A list of messages in their raw form, without metadata.

options: heading_level: 2